Coastal Sustainable Environmental and Economic Development (COSEED) is a not-for-profit organization that legally works in the Kenyan coastal area alongside the county and national governments, civil society, private sector organizations, local and international NGOs, and local communities to contribute towards sustainable natural resource management, poverty relief, access to healthcare and education, gender equality, social justice and disaster management.
The Kenya coastal area and the ocean are under severe threat by human activities, where economic profits are at the expense of environmental degradation. Acidification, pollution, climate change, eutrophication, illegal wildlife trade, degenerative agriculture and fishery collapse are some examples of the consequences on terrestrial and marine ecosystems. These threats are detrimental to the planet and are long-term repercussions that demand urgent action to protect and improve the land, oceans, wildlife and the people who depend on them or call them home.
COSEED thus, secures transformational change at the grassroots, focusing on disenfranchised populations often living in remote and marginalized regions of the Kenyan coast that are left behind in the development process.